A Girl And Her Animals

Not a lot going on right now. I am working days again which is so much better for me. I get enough sleep and my body has much more energy. So grateful I could change to days.

BamBam is on the end of all his medications so soon we will see if he needs to be on meds for a while longer or if whatever it was he had is gone. It may have been some kind of infection. We don’t know. What I do know is that he was remarkably better in 24 hours starting with the meds. I will have hawk eyes on him, that’s for sure. Tiniest sign and we will be back at the vet’s office!
Twix is just Twix. Playing around, needy, want to be close to me. Doesn’t understand why I don’t walk with them. It is too hot!!! And it aint until now I feel comfortable taking BamBam on walks again.

Uploading the pictures I realized that I don’t have many (any) of BamBam. He doesn’t like having his picture taken… I’ll have to force him to get some soon.

The girls are also doing good. I came to the barn last night and had been away for two days due to work. Something was off with Dallas but I couldn’t tell if she was just pissed because I was gone or if she wasn’t feeling well. But she ate her food, she drank, she ate her treats so it wasn’t anything emergent. I knew I was coming back early this morning so I would figure out what’s going on then.
Came back this morning and she was perfectly fine and back to normal. I think she was just moody because I was gone… sorry girl, I had to stay over at work on Saturday! You have a pond full of water and 17 acres with grass, you will survive!

The other day I got some pictures of Maja yawning that was just so funny. These will be meme pictures at some day… just have to come up with something funny to go along with them!

Independence Day week… we were slammed at work over the weekend so it is actually nice to be off on the actual holiday. Well I had taken PTO for tomorrow anyway but didn’t have to use it since the schedule let me off. This will be the first year in maybe 10 that I am not performing the National Anthem anywhere. A little awkward to be honest. I have no plans at all. Well my plans are to be home with the dogs, go to bed early since I have to be at work at 6am on Wednesday… I have gotten me some burgers to cook, started already today… the advantage of living alone – I do whatever I want!

I have plenty of it to make another 4 burgers… so if anyone is alone, come on over!

Starting to ramp up Harlequin Tea for the fall again. I hope to be able to attend Canton First Monday in August. So I just made plans for that. Not sure that I can get a booth but I bet there will be room somewhere… Then is the hard part to anticipate how much to bring… seriously! I will also have a couple of new blends doming until then. It is three days, but how many people, depending on where I will be located as well… thankfully I will go home every night so I can restock then. But that is tricky! Then I have a couple of more events coming in the fall.
After the scam a couple of weeks ago I am so much more careful of where I sign up. Only places I know for sure that I will be and is honest! But I am excited to start rolling with that again! It was nice with some summer break but here we go!

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