Stormy Midsummer

it is midsummer in Sweden. Probably equally big as Christmas in Sweden. We celebrate harvest and summer… I have written about it previous years so I’m not going to drag it out today. But one thing that we do this holiday is eat. A LOT! And something that is super important is strawberries! There ain’t no midsummer without strawberries! Just saying. Since my initial midsummer plans was cancelled I decided to do the absolute best out of the situation and make my own midsummer with the dogs. I wanted my own midsummer cake. But I am not a baker nor a cook so I took all the shortcuts there are to take! I went and bought some angel cake (they didn’t have poundcake as I prefer), strawberry jam, whipped cream and strawberries. And then I made my own little cake! I thought this was so smart because I won’t have a bunch of leftovers but can make me a small cake whenever I want this weekend!

Ironically and traditionally it rains on Midsummer. Maybe not the entire day but a short shower is quite common. Even Texas kept that tradition today! When I started to make this little deliciousness I could hear the thunder rumble in the distance and it didn’t take long until a really bad storm passed by. It was to the point I lid up a bunch of candles because I was convinced that we would be without power any minute. But it only flickered thankfully. But I was sitting eating my homemade Midsummer cake in my recliner surrounded by Twix and BamBam, listening to the weather. I absolutely loved it! Right then I was quite happy that my gig got cancelled!

But I felt for the guy who came with my Amazon delivery in the middle of the storm. Good grief! He really got caught in all of it but I was super happy because I got my new scentsy lamp for my office! This is just so freaking cool!

It gives me so much more light than I thought it would too! Just what I needed in my office and now it smells ocean in here too!

Just before I made the cake I had to run a quick errand. I got held up by the train downtown and I happened to be just next to the monument (roundabout) in Wills Point. The sky looked so cool with the storms rolling in so I took my phone and snapped some pictures. Came home and pulled them into Lightroom. I have not edited any pictures for so long it feels like. I am working on this secret project that is taking most of my spare time. But it was so fun to sit and play around with a little bit.

It is always so nicely decorated. Glad I got this before the storm, there was some strong winds so I hope it is still as nice as before.

I am on standby tomorrow for work. I hope I don’t get called in because I am behind on my secret project for this week and I need to spend a couple of hours on it. I can’t wait until I can tell you more about it. A lot of work is behind it, I can tell you that! If my plans are going the way I hope, I should be able to reveal it sometimes in September…

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