
I had the honor last year to perform at Ikea in Grand Prairie at their Midsummer celebration. And a couple of weeks ago they contacted me again and asked if I was interested to come back. We exchanged a couple of emails and suddenly the person I was talking to just stopped answering my emails. The last email basically indicated that it was a set deal, the last details in regards to exact time was to be determined. I had my pianist booked and it was all good. Until yesterday. I finally got hold of someone at Ikea, not the same person as I’ve been communicating with (he had gone on some kind of leave) and then, two days prior the event, I was told that “they had chosen another route, sorry that you were not informed”. So disappointed. Both me and the pianist has been rehearsing and working for the event and they have not even had the audacity to tell me that they didn’t want me until I am starting to wonder what the heck is going on? Talk about a big slap in the face!

So I hope no one had plans on going there just to see and hear me because I won’t be there. They tried to be nice and offer me tickets to the event but honestly that more felt like a slap in the face “come and see what you got cancelled for”. I shouldn’t take it that way, I know but that is honestly how it feels. And I declined the offer since the drive is too long from East Texas to Grand Prairie just to eat and I would be alone anyway which is not fun. No instead I am heading to Walmart getting me a shortcake, whipped cream and strawberries and I am going to make me a Swedish Midsummer cake a la Cecilia and have the best midsummer ever with my dogs.

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