Bye Nights, Hello Days!

When I signed up to work nights I had no clue that my body would fight this hard against it. Usually I have no problems going to sleep at any time of the day so why should this be a problem? I was wrong! It’s been a fight against my body every single minute. I should have figured it out because I am an extreme morning person. When I worked 4a-4p my body was doing great. I had no problem waking up and being awake 15+ hours. Now it was so different. I came home around 7 am and at 10 am my body thought it was enough of sleep. It didn’t matter what I did, I could not go back to sleep. I averaged on 3-4 hours of sleep between shifts which resulted in me being completely exhausted on my days off an almost non functioning.
So when the opportunity came to move to days I took it. Hopefully I will be able to restore my good sleep habits and get my body feeling better all around. Yesterday I did my last shift on nights and on Wednesday I start my new shift on days! I will work 6a – 6p and I think my body will absolutely love it!!! The good thing is that I will work two days and then be off a day so my body can just get used to the new schedule. I am excited about it!

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