SWEA National Day

Yesterday was a loooong but yet so fun day! I am so honored to be a member of the little Swedish choir Glãdjeklangen. And this time of the year are two Swedish celebrations coming up: June 6th is the Swedish National Day and June 23rd is Midsummer. Yesterday, SWEA (Swedish Women Educational Association) had their National Day celebration and we were invited to sing a couple of Swedish songs. I had been asked to do the song Hemma from the Swedish musical Kristina From Duvemåla together with the kids. And for once we got a video of it!!! Wohooo!!!

I was quite pleased with my performance (for once). But I have also done this song since it came out in the mid 90s.

Then as tradition is we eat Smörgåstårta and strawberry cake for dessert… I haven’t had that for about 10 years! I was in heaven. It was so good! It was so much fun to have some Swedish time in between two shifts at work.

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