What an amazing Friday!

I just came home from one of the most fun days I’ve had in a very long time! Let’s take the day from the beginning… I came home from work right before 7 am. Completely exhausted. Sorry to everyone living on hwy 64 between Tyler and Wills Point… I may have woken you up this morning with loud music when I was just trying to stay awake. But I had only gotten 3.5 hours of sleep since Wednesday morning so you can just imagine the level of tiredness I had. The music made me come home safe! My body ain’t still used to this night shift ordeal so after being in bed for another 3 .5 hours I woke up at 10:30. Decided to go up anyway because I had a lot to do actually. Maybe I could get another nap in the afternoon, or so I hoped… So I got dressed and headed to Terrell to get my nails done. Wanted to look good for the performance tonight and of course the Swedish colors. I had a plan of what to wear but I decided since I was around a couple of fashion stores in Terrell I would go in there and see if I could find something better suited for this event. So I first visited Ross. If you know me you know I hate shopping clothes. But low and behold, I found an outfit on the first rack that I went to and I tried it on. It was freaking perfect! So I went over to the shoe department where I found a pair of matching shoes just in my size. I was shocked! I had to stand in line to check out for almost 7 minutes but I was in and out of that store in 15 minutes. Seriously? Happy and excited!

Went by the horses on my way home to check on them since I couldn’t go there yesterday. They are doing well! It’s been so hot the last couple of days and they don’t really like it I can tell.
Came home and packed up the last stuff I needed and made sure I had the scores in order and all was good. Then started to get ready for the evening. Thankfully the tiredness hadn’t kicked in just yet and I tried to keep moving so I wouldn’t feel it as much. And then off to Galleria Dallas! I have never been there so I had absolutely no clue of where I was going but it was easy to find!

There was so many people there. Many european countries represented with their booths and tables, Sweden had one of the biggest booth’s as we have the Presidency in the European Union right now. We had Chef Jan Lööv from Omni Hotel Frisco, Hāstens Beds and Swedish handmade gnomes just to mention some. Other countries had food and wine and entertainment etc and a huge silent auction. It was 2.5 hours of jam packed non stop.

I had arranged with someone to do a video of me performing but… as always when I am singing… something happens and it didn’t get done. I know there is some video but not all of it. It was quite disappointing but once I have it I’ll upload it. I saw a professional photographer take pictures as well and hopefully I can find them after the weekend. But my performance went really well. I was for once very pleased with my voice and what I did. The continuous problem I have with remembering lyrics has not been solved and it won’t probably either. But on events like this I’m glad I can have my scores. And so grateful to Tony Palos who came and played the keyboard with me! He did an awesome job!!!

But I had such an awesome time! And remember Chef Lööv… he absolutely made my freaking year! Look what I got to take with me home! I am not kidding! It is an entire pan of homemade Swedish Cheesecake with lingonberry whipped cream.

If you don’t figure it out, that’s fine! It is delicious and you are missing out on something big, that’s all you need to know! LOL!

Right before I left for Dallas I saw that my friend Blake Davidson was performing at a restaurant, Bellini’s downtown Dallas. I have wanted to go and listen to him so many times but for one million reasons never been able to. His gig was going to be one hour longer than my event so today was the day! It was about a 15 minutes drive between the events and Blake was a little bit surprised when I showed up I think, even though I had given a possible heads up on facebook! But I didn’t promise… I just said I would try!

Blake and I actually sang All I ask of you together… haha, even though my voice was warmed up, it wasn’t my best performances but it was fun! I really want to start taking lessons again because my vocal technique absolutely needs to be improved. It was very inspiring to sing with Blake though and so good to see him! We took a video of it but I need to edit it a little, it is quite long…

Drove home from Dallas and was just happy and exhausted in the same time. Now trying to stay awake for a couple of more hours so I keep the night shift schedule. But I am beyond tired! Glad to be off work tomorrow as well!

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