My New Tea Room

A couple of weeks ago I got my mom’s old bedroom completely cleaned out and today a carpet cleaner came to help me clean the carpet in there. It is the only room with a carpet and it was very nasty! Since I was going to turn this room into my tea room I wanted to have professional help with getting it as clean as possible. Not that I couldn’t rent the equipment and do it myself – it was as much the feeling and knowledge it was done correctly. And look at this before and after picture. The after picture doesn’t do the carpet and the amazing work Brian did!

This carpet is worn out but since I rent, I don’t want to put in a new one. But Brian did an awesome job considering how dirty and hairy it was before!

So then I took all my tea stuff and moved in there and this is the workbench now

I have more shelves in my storage that I am going to put in here. What you can’t see in the picture is everything that I use when I am out on events. I am now having it all in one room, at one location, easy organized and stored between events. I absolutely love that it is easy to reach and everything is labeled. It makes the work even more fun to do!

And to honor mom I have the picture “Love You Mom” hanging next to my desk. It was the last picture I gave her a couple of months before her passing. And next to it is the first list of blends that I had. A reminder of how it was when I started and how far I come. Then I had the sunflower picture that I just love. I took it last year and I think it turned out so neat.

I am so pleased with how it all turned out, even though it is not all complete yet. And behind me at the office is now a bunch of boxes… not very pretty but it can be there for the time being at least.

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