I can easily admit that February and March was two mentally challenging and exhausting months for me. I was going through a lot at work and at the same time working Monday to Friday 8-5 made me fall behind on almost everything at home. I don’t understand how people make it working 5 days straight. Well, I have an hour commute too which didn’t make it better.
Sunday was my first day back on a rotation schedule. Thankfully I was off yesterday and today. My only goal for this week is to catch up with everything. The list is long of what needs to be done but I am taking one thing at a time.
I had promised the dogs to take a walk with them first thing in the morning. I was not going to let them down. So off we went!
I don’t know who was the most happy of us three. I knew that I missed the walks but I didn’t realize how much. I intended to just walk about 2 miles but once we left and had gone a mile or so I just wanted to move. My hip felt better, my brain started to clear up and I could just feel energy and positivity come into my body. These walks are so important to me and while I was on the other schedule there was no way I could fit it in. But now I am back. It is 9 am writing this and I have some errands to run but when I get back home the dogs and I will head out for another walk. The weather is great too!
I came home and got the car emptied from the event on Saturday and got everything reorganized and ready for the next show. Got the backyard mowed and some other small things done before leaving the house. First off to get my nails done. Another thing that is important for me mentally. I don’t know why but it is… just makes me feel better…
Then off to Dallas for a practice with the Swedish Choir Glädjeklangen. There is a Swedish event coming up on April 30th, Walpurgis where we will perform. This was the only practice that I will be able to attend. So much fun to sing Swedish spring songs again. Some of them I performed at Ikea last year. I will do a solo so that will be fun.
It was a great day yesterday. I got a lot accomplished and it was the first day in two months that I felt like myself again. I had the energy I had before all this mess, I had the positivity and the right attitude to things. It was just so nice.
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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