I Was Ready

I had heard on the forecast that it was going to be cold and rainy today. No shit Sherlock! I woke up to 39 degrees and at the time drizzling rain. Remember I made this goal for myself to walk 4 miles on every day I’m off. I really didn’t want to let myself down and just because of the weather not walk. And I woke up this morning with a lot of stiffness in my lower back so a walk could be really good for me. So I decided to get dressed in layers and off we went.

The dogs wondered why in the world are we doing this in rain. But they also wanted to do something. It was a little split emotions in the beginning but once we all were wet we actually enjoyed it a lot!

And the feeling I think all of us had when we got home; the feeling of accomplishment was just awesome! We all were soaking wet but it was absolutely worth it!!!

I had planned to head to the horses straight after the walk but I was too wet. I had to change clothes. The outside clothes were wet from the rain and the inside clothes were wet from the sweat. And it was a nice break before heading out in the rain again.

When I got home from the barn I started with two projects… the first to get a printer installed. It’s a HP Deskjet 2310 (I think) and there is no way in this world I can get this shit to work. I found it in the garage in the box so I know it is a couple of years old. But you would think it would work anyway. HP has their own app with drives for MAC but the software doesn’t find the printer. The computer finds it but doesn’t have the drive available. I give up. And I don’t have $200 for another printer right now either. It’s tricky because I really need one. But I will have to solve the entire situation without it. I am heading to Walmart on Friday to see what they have and how much they are. I refuse to buy a HP again because the last 3 or 4 printers from them has been trouble. I looked at Amazon but the one that I could afford and was good wouldn’t be here until mid February. What’s the point? I can probably go to BestBuy or Walmart and get something similar faster.

The second project was my NREMT renewal. It is a couple of hours of work to get that done. I came about half way which I’m happy with. Had to send some emails with questions that I’m waiting reply on but I should have it all together in time for my next paycheck. I have until end of February to get it done. On the actual certificate it says that it expires 3/31/23… hahaha, that’s funny!

Oh, the Amazon package came last night. To my surprise, around 6:45pm it was outside my door. How about that! Not bad. But UPS is shining with their absence. The latest update I have from them is this:

It better freaking be here! I don’t know what I’m going to do if it’s not here… I’ll be absolutely furious! I have an order to a coworker that I would just love to deliver before the weekend!

But an amazing thing… if anyone of my friends reads this and this far down… Y’all I love you! I posted this morning that I was only 23 likes from 100 on Harlequin Tea’s page… and within 2 hours I was only 5 likes. And within another 2 hours there it was!

I don’t think you realize how much your support means to me. That you share, like and comment on the posts is just beyond amazing. We got our first review today as well and I was just ecstatic. Maybe I’ve found something that people actually like and appreciate being easy to access. So to each and every one who supports this journey; THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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