What’s A Landline?

We have a “probie” (probationary employee) on the truck for a couple of weeks. She is in her lower 20s. Supersmart girl and she will be a really awesome paramedic. She has aspirations to go to medical school one day and she won’t have any problems with that! But this story is too funny not to tell… and I got her permission to write it.

Yesterday we are out on a call. We got the patient loaded up on the stretcher and are gathering the things the patient wants to bring with to the hospital. Probie sees this thing on the table…

…reaches for it and asks the patient if this is the phone the patient wants to bring with to the hospital. I shook my head trying to not laugh in the same time I’m quite confused. In the same time my partner said “No, that’s a landline”. The look on her face 😳 was hilarious and she said, completely serious “What’s a landline?” 😂 🤣 I lost my shit! Never have I in an instant felt so old! I didn’t even know how to explain it but my partner said “It’s wired into the house so it won’t work outside the door”. oh… 🤯
The patient during this all time was too mad that he/she had to go to the hospital so he/she didn’t even understand what was said but I was laughing so hard. Yepp, her nickname for the rest of the time on our truck will be Landline.

We talked about this generation thing afterwards and she did know what a Rotary phone was… phew… We all had a good laugh out of it and learned a lot from each other! 🤣

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