Big Change

Effective January 1, 2023, I will no longer be Regional Coordinator for EastTex CERT.

I was about to resign already earlier this year but things happened that made it quite inappropriate to take the step so I decided then to stay the year.

It has been so much fun being the coordinator for CERT for the last 5 years. Work with volunteers, first responders, civilians and meet so many people. Connections made and memories that I will forever have in my heart. But I think it is time for me to be a “regular” member and let someone else take over the torch for the counties.

This was sent to the program manager last night and also an email to the members in my counties. I didn’t want them to hear it from someone else than me.
The response I got from the program manager was to be removed from the facebook page before he answered the email so I guess either it was expected or appreciated that I resigned.

A lot of mixed emotions right now. I have been thinking about this trying to figure out what to do and how to do it in the best way. There is no best or even good way, but the decision is made and I hope that they find someone that can encourage more members to join and keep up all connections and bridges built. It is truly a great organization!

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