Why People, Why?

I was out walking the boys this afternoon and was on my way home. I heard the train far away. Here you can hear it in miles distance from both directions. There is no doubt that a train is coming. And it is coming often. At least once an hour during daytime. I was walking on a gravel road that only leads to a closed gate at a cemetery and a private driveway and that road is coming out on a normal residential street that goes parallel with the railroad with a large grass area between the road and the railroad. Then I see two “kids” walking ON the railroad, along with the railroad. They are not crossing the railroad. There is no doubt that they know the train is coming. Not only can you hear it, you can feel the vibrations in the ground. And the crossing arms were going down at the same time as well. It wasn’t until I yelled at the guy the third time he moved from the tracks. I got so pissed. Why? Why do you need to be on the tracks in the first place? I believe (not fully sure though) that it is illegal to walk on the tracks… Thought to myself “I wonder if they realize how long time it takes for that train to come to a complete stop?” even though it was going fairly slowly through town. No, they don’t. Nor do I. But think about it… how many carts with how much weight… At that time I came to my senses and took a picture of them. Not to proof anything because there was nothing to prove with the picture, but to be able to zoom in and see what they were wearing. I didn’t have my glasses on so that far away details was kind of blurry.

The train passed and right away they were back on the tracks. Why? There are roads on both sides of the tracks and you still are that stupid? At that time I called Wills Point PD. Maybe they would be able to talk some sense into them. Probably not. Not sure they were even able to find them before they got off the tracks.

It is not a month since we had a fatality just where they are walking. Exactly there. What is it that makes people be on the tracks.

I came home about 10 minutes later and I could hear another train come… Posted on two Wills Point groups about this and of course, what would I expect… people get upset because they are not on the tracks when I took the picture… this is what we do in the country, I have to get used to it… Okay, so Wills Point residence has no rime or reason for safety here?! Thanks, I will remember that… After 4.5 years living here I should have figured that out I guess…

Well well, guess my rant is over. More people will probably be mad at me in the morning for taking the picture and even posting it… just think all of it is sad and quite stupid…

Found this article after I posted this… worth reading…


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