Oh Shit!

That was the thought that hit me when I got to the barn yesterday and saw this:

I wasn’t there yesterday since I was so busy with performance and Christmas parade so I had no idea when this actually happened. Well, I saw the girls at the other side of the pasture, all three standing up and seemed fine so I started the clean up. There was poop absolutely everywhere in the barn!
This was absolutely not what I had planned. I had a headache so my plan was to feed hem, change their water and head back home. Insead of he 30 minutes I had planned it now turned out to an 1.5 hour workout… but it got nice when it was done!

I walked up to the horses when I was done to check on them. Better make sure there ain’t something that I can’t see in the distance. They were absolutely perfectly fine and denied all involvement in the incident… could you guess huh…

My wallet ain’t really happy about this… I have to buy new sweet feed, alfalfa pellets, a scoop and two new bins (you can’t just buy the lids sadly)… not what I had planned but it is what it is. As long as I don’t get a huge vet bill I’m all good… lesson learned for all humans: Make sure the door to the feed stall is closed at all times!!!

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