Christmas Lights Are Up

I can’t believe I got it done yesterday. The barn was a mess. It took me almost 2.5 hours to get it cleaned out and back to my standard. I aged from 42 to 100 in that time. At least that’s how it felt! Just crazy. In the same time it’s nice to do that kind of work, you get a good workout and you know that you’re alive!!!

But after a couple of hours of rest I decided that NOW was the time to pull out the outdoor decorations. The weather was perfect for it so here we go.

I was quite disappointed to realize that mice had eaten at least four of my light strings. It had been in a box without a lid… as well ALL my Swedish lights for the window are broke. I may be able to get them to work, just didn’t have the energy to deal with it yesterday. But I had plenty of lights anyway so no major worries… So this is how my front yard looks now

My lights (red in one picture and blue in the other) hasn’t worked since the antenna accident and it was so nice to get them working again. They are actually changing colors as a wave…

I didn’t plan on doing anything in the backyard but then I found an electrical outlet and I had an extension cord so why not. I may actually not take this one down… It turned out pretty cozy… just need to clean up my porch… it’s not the safest place in the world so to say, the rail is a little waggly…

It may not be the most fancy Christmas decorations but it’s better than nothing… So it will have to be like this for a while… If I ever win the lottery… I will pay someone to come and put it up. I love to look at them but heck, I don’t like to put them up. It’s a hassle!

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