Performance & Sedated Dallas

What a weekend it’s been! I am not even sure it’s Monday today! I worked Thanksgiving (Thursday) which was not my normal shift, and Friday and was off Saturday since I had the performance at Wooden Spoon, then worked my regular shift yesterday again. But it was so much fun so It’s worth it.

It’s always a nice feeling to not have an alarm go off at 1:40 am. So when you wake up by yourself at 5 am and thinking about that your coworker now has worked an hour you just smile a little extra… sorry I do at least…
The rain was pouring down so I headed to the barn to give the girls their attention (food). Thought about what a glamorous life I have *haha*. Barnlife in mud and dust in the morning and then try to look somewhat decent for a performance in the afternoon!!! But that’s the life I absolutely love!

I had planned to take a walk with the dogs but it was raining so much Twix didn’t even want to go out and potty… then I’m not walking anywhere in the rain! But it was all good, I prepared myself for the afternoon and since I knew traffic could be a pain in the butt I decided to leave 2 hours early. That was going to be a wise decision as there were a couple of accidents and delays on the way so I was only 15 minutes early. It took me 1 hour and 35 minutes to go from Wills Point to Plano.

The show was at Wooden Spoon Scandinavian Shop in Plano. I love this place. Thankful that it’s far away or I would be broke completely. Yes, I know they ship but no I’m not falling for it…
The performance went okay. Not the best one I’ve ever done. There is no great place to perform in the store. We were standing in the stairs and hallway and there was about 50 customers that had come to listen. It became very hot and the air was super dry. I had a hard time singing at the end. So when my solo to Silent Night came I barely could do it. Had a hiccup on my vocal cords once but what the heck. I did what I could. Got a lot of nice comments afterwards anyway. Made me so happy! The kids did great as well.

And of course… I didn’t leave the store without something… I had to have a big junk of Lingonberry, right? This will most likely last me the entire 2023!!! I have never had so much jam in my house! But it is so good. And I had to have some chocolate… I had to… as simple as that!

I have not seen any other pictures or video of my solo but if I do I’ll share it with ya. I will try to do something for next weeks event though…

Yesterday was back to normal again. First a day on the ambulance. Nothing exciting really. But when I was off I headed straight to the barn. It was time for the farrier to come back to Dallas. Last week when he was out she was a monster. I have no clue what was going on that day but for safety reasons we had to back off and I called the vet to get some sedation for her. She was much better today already when I got her in but we were not taking any chances so Dallas got a little nap…

I don’t think I’ve ever had to sedate one of my horses for the farrier to come… The good thing with Dormosedan is that they are aware of what is going on and hopefully she will remember that this wasn’t so bad so we don’t have to sedate her next time. We got her hooves trimmed in 10 minutes… smooth and nice.

I am usually not someone who shops on Black Friday and Cyber Monday but this year I actually did! But didn’t get any discounts… I buy so weird stuff!

If you are in any barn in Sweden you will most likely see at least one Ikea bag “Frakta”. What would the world be without Ikea bags? Well I figured that I am going to start preparing hay for the girls. In case something happens and I can’t make it, the family can take the bags and just put them out for me. And with also now knowing they get the exact amount what they need will also make it better financially… But it felt so Swedish to buy 10 Ikeabags!!!

Since a couple of people asked for my social media and contact information at the Wooden Spoon I also went ahead and ordered new, updated businesscards. I know, I have over 200 of other cards but I am not happy with them. So these I hope I will like and be pleased with! I have removed my phone number on these pictures but it is under the email…

I’m off today and tomorrow. When I’m done writing this I’ve promised the boys to take them for a walk. I have a lot of work at the barn to do, cleaning up from yesterday and the day before. Then I am going to try to put up Christmas decorations. It’s supposed to be really nice weather today and rain tomorrow so… I am one of those who wants Thanksgiving over and done with before putting it up. Preferably as close to December 1st as possible but I think today will do it. We will see how this goes… to be continued!

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