My Spoiled Animals

Saturday morning. It is 34 degrees (1C) outside and just about to be light outside. There I am laying in a warm cozy bed with Twix and BamBam. I have always liked mornings but I don’t like cold. Yet one thing that I absolutely love is to feed my animals breakfast. So out of bed I go, get dressed, feed the dogs, take on my ski pants and drive to the barn. All worth it. The girls hears my car and then they see me and they come running. The sound from their hoofs made even Penny run out of her stall and out of the way! I couldn’t get the hay out fast enough for the three Queens… because that’s what they are. Spoiled royals!

They were happy though. I gave them way more hay than they needed but… huh, can they ever have enough? Nope.

I was trying to get a round bale of hay to them this weekend but needed help with getting it up the 1.5 miles up the road from the feed store. Had something lined up but it fell through. Well sort of. Anyway, it will have to work with doing it this way for another week at least.

I came home and took a walk with the dogs. It was cold but both I and the dogs needed to move. With it being this cold means that I can’t have the back door open while I’m at work so they can’t get out during the days. They are just laying around sleeping all day long. So now the walks on my days off is even more important.
We came home and I thought the walk would keep them happy for a little while, but how wrong I was. Twix would not leave me alone.

He wanted my attention to 100%. It was like he was trying to tell me something and I didn’t get what it was. I felt stupid. But then I went into my bedroom and I figured it out! He wanted to go to bed for nap and cuddles. So we did… I thought he actually had a really good idea there.

I got a nap of 1.5 hours and then laid in bed for another hour just scrolling social media on my phone while listening to BamBam snoring.

Someone knocked on my door, I figured it was from a church or something so I didn’t even bother get out of bed. My Ring Doorbell is broke so I couldn’t see but when I got out of bed and opened the front door, sure enough they left me a little “Welcome to our church” note. So glad I didn’t get out of bed for that. They come and knocks on this door every darn weekend.

I have just put the girls… sorry, Queens AlfAlfa pellets in water so in about an hour I’m heading back to serve their dinner… My animals ain’t spoiled… are they? Well they deserve it!

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