What An Awesome Day!

On the weekend when I had my garage sale I realized that the tree in front of my house was not doing very well. One of the big branches had broke and just by luck did not fall on my car! With my luck in life, the possibilities that it would fall on my car was much higher than not. But this time it was my luck. So yesterday when my landlord picked up the rent I showed him the branch and this morning I heard a saw outside my door… yepp the maintenance man was here to get it back to “safe mode”… Well he took down the broke branch but not all dead branches… don’t ask me why though… I must say it looks a little funny now, but at least it won’t fall on my car!

A while back I wanted to open a new bank account in the bank my work use. Just because I get the money so much later than everyone having the paycheck deposited in my business account. I am not unhappy with the bank I am banking with, I thought it could just be convenient. Well I couldn’t do that because “I had some kind of debt to my current bank”. You said WHAT??? I had no clue about that!!! Not knowing what it was or how much I figured I’ll deal with that when I knew I had money to whatever it was. How I had it set up wasn’t bad after all.

The other day I got a major surprise in the mail with a very generous gift. Let’s just leave it to that. But this gift made it possible for me to at least go to the bank and figure out what in the world this all was about. Turns out that my old account apparently had an overdraft since 10 years!!! What the heck? I’ve had a debt to the bank for 10 years and not knowing about it and no one had told me about it? And I’ve been able to close the account without problems? There are so many questions and no answers to this. But I was able to take care of this debt! That was a feeling of confusion and relief in the same time!
With this generous gift I was also able to take care of another worry I’ve been having for quite some time. I desperately needed a new tire to my car. I’ve been able to change one tire every year and this would be the last one for a little bit. But I had no clue how I would be able to afford it. Every time I went to and from work I prayed that the tire would last for just a little more. Today was the day I didn’t have to worry anymore. It is now fixed. And while it was getting fixed I did something I don’t do very often. I went to Whataburger and had lunch. I’ve been longing for a salad so that it was! So delicious! But I don’t think that it is worth $13.00 for a salad and a tea…

It is November 1st… I can’t believe it. This year has so far been a good year but it’s gone so darn fast! I was going to submit some days for work yesterday and realized that I have to buy me a 2023 calendar! Seriously? It’s just nuts! I’ve had a Happy Planner for many years and I like them. So when I was in Terrell I passed by Hobby Lobby to see what they had. I found a Dalmatian Calendar!!! Wohoooo!

2023 will be a great year. I have so many ideas, goals and plans for it! And I am ready for it now! As crazy as it seems.

Two days off work has passed and i am about to go to bed again so I can wake up when the alarm goes off at 1:40 am.

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