When The Body Say No

Got a lot of stuff done this morning. Ran some errands, went to the barn. I felt good, just like normal. It was a little chilly still in the house from the night. I don’t have the a/c nor the heat on. But it wasn’t worse than a sweater was enough.

Decided that I wanted to bake the box of brownies I had at home. Just to have something sweet. I intentionally didn’t buy any candy for trick or treaters so I wouldn’t have a lot of candy for days in the house. But some brownies sounded good.
While I was waiting for it to be ready Twix and BamBam would not leave me alone. They wanted to go for a walk. Good grief. How do you tell two dogs to wait about 45 minutes? Well, finally the brownie was done!

The dogs were a little disappointed that they didn’t get any but while it was cooling off we took a walk. The temperatures outside was awesome for a walk now.

When we left the house I felt nothing special. Not tired, I was sore in my body from 5 hours of directing traffic on Saturday but a walk could make that better. But I came up the street and it was like my body just said NOPE. My feet became two bricks and my head started pounding. I really wanted to just say sorry guys, and turn back home but I knew that my muscles probably needed the walk after all. So I pushed on. Much slower than normal. There was a couple of times when I just wanted to sit down and hoping someone would drive me home. But I knew that wasn’t an option. Finally we came home. All three of us!

I was done. I made sure the dogs had water, drank a bottle myself and went to bed. I was done. There was nothing in this world that could keep me awake right then. It didn’t take maybe 5 minutes and I was sleeping like a rock. For two marvelous hours. I don’t even think I moved.
Woke up and felt a little better. But still not a lot of energy. Head was a tad better, but still a little foggy. I won’t open the door for any trick or treaters, I will just stay sitting or laying in bed.

Thankfully I am off tomorrow as well so I have another day to recover if I need it. Maybe a full nights of sleep will get me back on track. But it is a little sketchy when you get tired so quickly. It’s like someone hits you with a sledge or you walk into a invisible wall and all you just want to is sit down or lay down.

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