Not In A Good Mood

It all went downhill at 3:40 pm yesterday. At work, we were sent back to the station for end of shift but shortly thereafter dispatch realized that we were the only truck in town and she asked us to go back to post. We knew we were not gonna go home on time. at 4:02, actually after the time we were supposed to clock out we get a call. Thankfully it wasn’t too far away and it was a legit call but yet, I didn’t clock out until 5pm.
I was supposed to run by my doctors office on my way home to get my flu vaccine so I could fight it out at home over the weekend but they were closed. Since I was an hour late I now had to re-think my entire afternoon. I had planned to go by storage on my way home, then to the horses and then home and mow the front yard for the garage sale today. Realizing that I would come home after dark I decided to swap things around and go home first and get the yard done before dark. Well I almost didn’t make it home because a woman in a gray Ford Explorer didn’t know how to drive and almost ran me over not once but twice between Athens and Canton. I was not in a good mood and a lot of bad words in different languages came out of my mouth in the car I can tell you! Glad noone heard them.
Decided to stop at Dollar General to see if I could find some price tags for the garage sale. They didn’t have what I was looking for but they had small post-it notes that could work. But when I came to the register, three customers with overfilled carts were in front of me, the second cashier was fibbling on her phone with something that to her defense looked like work related stuff. But was it that important when the line was long and people were buying a lot of stuff? I left my post-it notes and walked out. I was done. I was tired, had a headache and done with everything.

At least I made it home safe. Came home to two very happy dogs. Thank God for Twix and BamBam. What in the world would I do without them?
Took the lawnmower straight out and got the work done. But when I was done with it, I just couldn’t get myself to go out of the door again. I was sad, tired, mad, frustrated and everything else you could imagine. I didn’t want to see anyone. I didn’t want to deal with other drivers. I just couldn’t. I just wanted to make me some chocolate chip cookies from some pre-made dough I had in the fridge and curl up in bed with the dogs and call it a day. So that’s what I did. Came to bed and realized that my toilet was leaking water because it was making noise every time it filled up again. But I didn’t even want to go up and fix it so I tried to go to sleep. For once successfully right away!

Slept all the way to 4am. Then had to go to the bathroom. Of course. Well now I could fix the toilet in the same time and this time it worked out! New day, new opportunities, right! Well some tiredness and sadness from yesterday was still lingering but I pushed it away as well as I could.
At 5:30 I started the project Garage Sale. Gosh I hate it. Three hours and 3.6 miles later I had been able to put most of it out. I was exhausted! And it had not even started yet!

A couple of neighbors came over early in the day to see what I had but the rest of the time was just some people now and then.

I did get me a reminder of why I hate garage sales so much. Why does people think I should give things away for $1 or $2 that actually has a value? If I didn’t give a crap about this stuff I would give it to good will. Yes I do want to get rid of the stuff but I am not willing to give it away for free. It took me hours to put out here and I have to put it back again tonight! Then do it all over for two more days. If I didn’t want to have something for it I would throw it in the trash. I put a price on it and you can always come with and offer for me to consider. But I stand firm that I will not give things away for nothing. Nor will I hold things for you. If you want it, you pay for it and you take it.

I guess I should be excited for a total of $23 in sales today. Why I hate garage sales. so much work for absolutely no freaking money. Not worth it. Period.

I will do it again Saturday and Sunday because I have advertised it and maybe I get something else sold. Maybe I can get a dollar or two more in. But I don’t hope for anything. Not keeping my expectations high because I know I will be so darn disappointed.

Have to take it all inside overnight. Hopefully that goes faster than taking it out. Then head to the barn and to the storage to pick up the stuff I was supposed to pick up yesterday. It is a dog crate and a cart for flea markets. I had two of those carts outside today and sold both of them so there may be a benefit to get the third one!

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