Another Productive Day

I had made a plan for the day already when I woke up. The question was if I was going to be able to keep it. I wasn’t feeling super when I woke up but I decided to push through. Twix and BamBam figured that I was off work and for them there was no other alternative than start the day with a walk. It wasn’t long or fast but it was a walk, and they enjoyed it, that’s what matter!

Came home and pulled out the lawnmower right away. It wasn’t bad but there was some really long straws of grass that needed to come down so it looks decent. It stated to annoy me lookiing at it so I just got it done.

Then off I went. Headed to the storage unit in Terrell to get a load out of there. I am so motivated to get that cleaned out now. It is interesting to find things even though a lot can be thrown away. But I got a good mix of trash and sellable things with me back. The picture I took still doesn’t show much of a progress though… just a little bit but its better than nothing.

Stopped by the horses on my way home to check on them. They are doing so well. They enjoy the cooler temperatures as well of course.

I just came home and sat down when I got a text message from my friend David asking if I still needed help with a load out of the storage after he left work. At first I was too tired but the second after I thought; someone is offering help, TAKE IT!!! It is so rare that I get help so take it when you can you dummer!

While I was waiting for time to pass I did some business stuff. I decided to create a Twitter account for the business. I’m not a big Twitter person but it is another free avenue to reach out to strangers with my pictures. So if you’re on Twitter, please follow @cwichmanndesign

Later in the evening I headed back to storage. Got a load of stuff filled in my car and we got the two cabinets and the little safe with us on the trailer. What an awesome feeling to get that out of there. And finally you can actually see some difference! There is progress being made!

These pictures actually makes me plan ahead what I am going to do next time I get to the unit. It is so much left to do, I don’t think I will be done with this project this year but as long as I do some progress I’m fine with it. My garage is about to be full as well so I’m glad I scheduled that garage sale and hopefully something will get out of there.

We were not done unloading until 9pm last night. I was tired. I still had to unload my car but I’ll have to do that this morning. At the time writing this it’s 5am and I’ve been awake for two hours already. Twix needed to potty at 3am and my mind started racing. There was no reason to stay in bed. I can get stuff done instead. It will be a long day ahead but it will be good anyway. I will take one thing at a time and whatever I can do, I’ll do.

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