Feedback On Pictures & Ideas

Earlier this week I started to play around with Lightroom, for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about; it’s a photo editing software. I have used Photoshop for many years but thought maybe Lightroom could help in the time process of pictures. And it’s a lot of fun to work with. I have a lot to figure out and learn but so far I like it. Here are my first two editing attempts…

I am quite pleased with the outcome of these two pictures. To be my first ones, it’s not too bad.

But as I was sitting here editing and playing around the thought hit me; I like this kind of style, but does others like it? I post them on social media and people click “like” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they like it. That could as well be a courtesy click. I never find out what people think. I don’t have a family to juggle ideas and inspirations with so I am missing out quite a bit there I feel.

So I created a private group on Facebook and invited a couple of friends to see if anyone dares telling me their opinion. Maybe, maybe not. I will post some pictures like this; before and after and I will also share some ideas that I have to see if it’s something to progress with or maybe I should just toss it out the window. I just feel like I need feedback and constructive criticism to be able to know where to go next. If you want to be a part of that group, let me know and I’ll send you an invitation! It would help me a lot so I’m not running around in the dark with all my crazy ideas and thoughts!

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