It’s Done!

I declare this week over and done! I knew it was going to be a busy but fun week and it has. But I am also so glad it’s over and behind me. Yet there is so much more I should have done and wanted to do but there is only one of me and 24 hours in the day.

Ribbon Cuttings, E! Terrell, Pictures, CPR Class, CERT Class, Storage cleaning, Birthday Party, you name it. The horses and dogs have been excellent all together. I got all the pictures done and handed over to the clients. I even had time to take a picture of the beautiful sun rise yesterday.

I have been able to take some walks as well, just to get out from the computer. The perks with having Twix and BamBam who loves to walk. It helps a lot when you are sitting long hours in front of the computer editing pictures.

Oh, I also got my new stationary in the mail. Business cards, note cards and… CHRISTMAS CARDS. They turned out so darn good! I am so excited to send them in December. Still have to put them all together with address and stamps etc. But I was so pleased with them! If you want a card, make sure I have your address! Otherwise you won’t get any… as simple as that!

Sunday afternoon and I am not doing anything for the rest of the afternoon. There is so much I should do but I’m not doing it. I am going to take a couple of hours for myself and just relax. I don’t have as much on the calendar for next week as I did for this week but I don’t think it will be less busy anyway. I have that dear storage that I need to work on. So it is just to take one day at a time!

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