My Darn Hip

A couple of days after I fell (on September 6th) my hip has become more and more painful. It is an injury I’ve had for a couple of years but thanks to Chiropractor been able to stay pain free. Last week, after the search it all became so painful I didn’t know what to do. When I sit down my right foot falls asleep. When I lay down in bed, a nerve pain from the hip all the way down in the leg is killing me. I only sleep about an hour at a time. As soon as I have to move I wake up because of the pain.
To add to the problem, we are in a backup truck at work which means very uncomfortable and worn out seats and no autoload so we have to lift every patient into the ambulance. This has been extremely painful. So last week I had enough and called my doctor to get an appointment. Yesterday was the earliest I could get with my schedule.

As expected, I have an inflammation in my hip and probably in my lumbar joints as well. So he prescribed me some Prednisone and muscle relaxer for 2 weeks and if that doesn’t help we’ll have to do a cortisone shot in the hip to get the inflammation down. Then stretches and walks, as I always do anyway. I really hope this helps because it is so frustrating. Just the fact that I go to the doctor means I am in a lot of pain!!!

At least the weather is cooler now so I can get shorter walks in after work and the barn. Twix and BamBam will be so excited! I took them for a walk when I came home and they loved it but was a little confused of the timing. But we took a walk down to the lake and on the cemetery and had a great time!

It is work weekend so it will be interesting to see how that goes with my hip. I really wish our regular truck is back but I believe that is like winning the lottery – impossible. It was gone for 3 weeks, came back for less than 24 hours and then broke down again. I wasn’t working when it broke down so don’t blame me!!! I don’t expect it to be back for another 3 weeks at the minimum. We have over 60 trucks in the fleet and two mechanics… that says it all. They are doing the best they can! But for the crew it would be good to have the new ones on the road instead of the oldest in the fleet…

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