Roof Update

I guess I have no other option than take the bull by its horn and start dealing with all this crap from yesterday. I started this morning calling CIP, Community Internet Providers and telling them what happened. The girl I spoke to was super nice and they will be out on Wednesday morning to re-mount the antenna. Hopefully they will be able to put it back. I remember that when we put it up they had problems finding a signal through the trees and that’s why it was where it was. But it’s worth a try.

Then I called a roofer. I had gotten a couple of referrals and one guy was coming out while I was at work. he was very kind and took pictures for me. There is no way my butt is going up on that roof. With my luck in life I would fall down right away. But the damages didn’t look as bad as it was presented to me actually!

He said that he wanted to see where they put the antenna back, because if they put it in the same place as before he could fix the damages fairly easy. But if they moved the antenna some shingles had to be replaced and patched so no water leaked in. So he wants to come back when the antenna is back and give an estimate then.

He did find some hail damage on the roof that I will have to bring up with my landlord. It is not my decision what to do with that kind of stuff but I can bring it to his attention at least so he knows.

I thought that was a positive update so I’m very pleased for now!

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