I Have Followers!

Took my regular walk with Twix and BamBam this morning. It was already quite warm despite it only being 7 am. You can tell it is end of September now because it gets light later and later. Just two weeks ago I could leave the house around 6:40am but now it isn’t until 6:50ish until it’s light enough.
Nothing special with this walk but now, when I write this it was quite interesting. I took this picture of BamBam walking behind me. Not having any specific intention with the picture at the time

I know he looks exhausted but it’s on a part that he just doesn’t like. He is always walking a step behind me on this stretch, don’t ask me why.

Headed to the barn a little later and for once I brought the camera with me. Not sure what I wanted to accomplish but then I saw the neighbors horses and thought it would be fun to take some pictures of them. Just to change the motive a little. While I was walking through the pasture I realized this was the day I had followers

Dallas, Acriz and Amaria wanted to come along to make sure they were nice to me. Well, at least I have some animal followers and fanclub it seems since people are too complicated anyway! And Dallas was in the good mood for some selfies!

Still too warm to do some training. Well it’s not too hot for the actual training but the stalls are too hot for the horses remaining in the barn. They say that it will be cooler next week so hopefully we can get something done then.

Got a couple of good pictures of the neighbors animals but I am going to ask you to go to the photo page to see them… haha. That’s what you get. That will give you a chance to see more things going on over there… so head over to www.ceciliawichmann.com and check that page out. I give you a little flower that I found in the pasture.

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