I Miss Mom

We got some rain the last couple of days. A shower here and a shower there. We got a lot of rain in Athens earlier today while at home in Wills Point it only sprinkled. But the rain and lower temperatures is enough for my memory rose to thrive. This is how they looked tonight when I came home!

Came home from two rough days at work and saw this. Immediately missed mom. Grief comes in waves and this one was a big wave. Wish she could see them. Wish I could talk to her! She’s been gone for two years but sometimes it feels like a week.

A lot going on right now. The next two days I am going to try to continue the clean out project. I have made up some goals for myself to achieve and hopefully I can make it. As much as I like the rain, I hope it stays away while I am doing this job so I can get it done! Will have to report more about it the upcoming days when I know how much I got done!

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