Love And Trust

Anyone can figure out that a horse kick on a cat is not going to end well. And I could see all scenarios possible in my mind when I am standing in Dallas’ stall with my hands smeared in untangling gel, trying to get her tail to look good and suddenly Cuddles, the barncat comes walking in between Dallas’ legs. I couldn’t even get up the phone from my pocket because my hands was nasty. But I was scared there for a moment. But Dallas absolutely did not care. She didn’t blink or move and Cuddles was just strolling around there like nothing happened. And then she went up and laid down next to the door. At that time I was done with the tail and could get up the phone…

Talk about trust and love, right! And I was really proud of Dallas that she didn’t even bother to sniff to Cuddles. By now they know each other and Cuddles is one amazing cat! That’s for sure! Both of them almost gave me a heart attack! Thanks guys!

It was deworming day today. Hahaha. Always interesting. I forgot to take pictures of Amaria and her faces. She was pissed afterwards. Absolutely did not like the Quest Plus Deworming but, that is another thing that had to be done! All three did it really well! Dallas and Acriz gave me some funny faces though…

Is it just me, or does anyone else have the absolute need to rake (or sweep) the barn before they leave… I don’t know. Since it’s sand everywhere in this barn I have to rake it but I really want it to look good when I leave. I know that the girls will mess it all up until tomorrow but it feels good to have it done. But I am almost a little obsessed with it now!

My two days off are almost over… well it was just 1.5 day I guess since I went in and worked 4 hours yesterday morning. Working the entire weekend. Hopefully it will be three good shifts. Don’t expect anything extraordinary to happen otherwise… just normal weekend!

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