Covid Sucks!

It took 2.5 years for Covid to finally find me.
I came home on Monday afternoon and I could feel it coming. I got more and more tired and the only thing I could do was go to bed. Once in bed I couldn’t lay on my left side. My heart started to beat faster and harder but as soon as I moved to my back or right side I was okay. Strange. I knew where this was going. There was no way I didn’t have covid. The night was rough with little sleep. Not only was it Covid but I had been notified with some news that bothered my mind heavily.
So on Tuesday morning I had to go to CVS for my Epi-pen but they didn’t have any tests. Thankfully Brookshires in Wills Point did. At this point I was so exhausted and tired I just had to notify work with the result that I knew was going to be positive. And it was.

So now back to bed. And that’s where i’ve been since Tuesday morning. I have mostly been tired and dizzy. I have been able to drink plenty of water and I have been thoroughly with eating every 4-6 hours so my body had energy. So easy to avoid eating or drinking but thankfully I didn’t lose taste or smell. I lost my voice already Saturday and that is not back yet. I don’t really know if I can trust my thermometer but according to it no fever occurred. I feel like i’ve had a couple of spikes though. No breathing problems or aches. The most for me has been the voice, tiredness and dizzy upon standing. And the fact of being so bored! SO BORED!!!!

Twix and BamBam are now becoming extremely bored as well. Twix wants to go for a walk so bad but it’s been a little hard. I think he knows I’m not feeling the best but it is still hard to accept for a “little” doggie.

At least this was a short week at work. Absolutely not how I expected to use 40 of my PTO Hours but I had plenty so I don’t have to worry about it. It is just very annoying.

Today is the first day that I feel, I don’t want to be in bed. The bed is not a magnetic field screaming my name. I actually took my car and went to the mailbox and got me a lottery ticket. I need that winning ya’ll know! The money is mine baby! And it didn’t exhaust me completely either. So I have a good hope that I will be able to go back to work on Monday as scheduled. I will have to retest on Sunday to make sure I’m negative. My voice will take weeks to come back to normal. It always does. There will be no singing for me for a good while.

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