Not Sure What To Do

Singing… music… it has always been a passion of mine. My grandmother was an opera singer and my grandfather was the inventor of the plastic that made the vinyls and into music industry. Mom could sing but she had a very low voice and didn’t have the interest, though she loved music. Needless to say, I grew up surrounded by music. My grandmother gave me singing lessons for as long as I could remember.
I have done a couple of big performances and productions. The other day I found hard copies of the Album I released in 2016 Welcome Home. Thought I had lost them in the moves but here they were!

I was quite proud of this project as it was created in a month, from idea to finished product. I recorded all songs at once, for over 10 hours straight. We were exhausted afterwards. None of these songs are available on any digital media platforms which makes it quite special, and there are only 50 copies made of this. Let me know if you’re interested of a copy. They are $10 if you pay over venmo and meet me somewhere, and $12 if you order over the other website (

Lately I have been debating with myself if I should put music on the shelf once and for all, and this time for good. I have said it so many times and yet, here I am. But I looked at the stats on the songs I have released so far and it is… just not where I wish it was.

Don’t get me wrong here, I am grateful for every single stream. But is it enough for me to keep putting a lot of money into the projects when no one appreciates what I am doing and listens to it? I am not doing it for the money, that’s for sure. But when you don’t get any response to what you produce you after a while have to realize that you are just not on the right track. I don’t know if it is my voice, or my choice of music that doesn’t attract people. Maybe a combination of both.

I would like to do a Christmas song. But is it worth it? Is it worth the time, money and effort? Will I be as disappointed when no one wants to listen to it? Should I just not do it to save myself from the disappointment maybe? I don’t know what to do. I don’t expect a huge success or being famous. I sing because I like it. But I want people to like what I release and evidently so far, you don’t. 536 streams in 2 years is very little. Not a lot of people even told me that they liked it (or disliked it). Sometimes you just need feedback or confirmation that what you do is okay, so you know you’re on the right track. Right now I am just lost in space. I like to sing but it seems not appreciated on any level.

Believe I have to think about it a little bit more. But until then I won’t do much musically. Just need to find the energy and fun in singing again. The passion is still there somewhere…

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