
I should get my butt out on a walk but I have absolutely no energy right now. The last two days has really exhausted me, both physically and mentally. It’s been a lot of fun as well so don’t get me wrong but being out in the heat for so many hours and working is not something I’m used to. As well being on my feet for so many hours straight.

The day at Terrell Airport went well I must say! We have an amazing group of volunteers, no doubt about that! I am happy that I had divided it into two shifts because it was very hot. We had shift change at 4pm which was good. The morning folks was tired and happy to be out of the heat and new, fresh energy came in.

Morning Shift

Sadly not as many people came to the concert as expected. I had never heard A Thousand Horses but they were awesome. Also the opening Kaelynn Nikole was really good! As I was working and running around like a maniac some of the time, I forgot all about taking pictures! The after picture me and Robert said we would take was also never taken. He took this picture of me when it was still morning…

Terrell Police Chief Ken McKeown and I have a selfie tradition though. We take selfies at every Christmas Parade we work together. Well yesterday we bumped into each other so we started the tradition of 4th of July selfie as well!

With all this walking the last two days, I’ve been able to reach another milestone! 600 miles out of 1500 is now achieved! Yay me!

I am performing the National Anthem at the airport tonight. I think I’m ready. Haha. I am so glad that I took off work today so I can just relax all day until then. I don’t perform until 6pm so I have plenty of time to get ready.

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