Day 1: Josephine Fireworks

Yesterday was the first of two long and hot days of volunteering. I headed up to Collin County and the little town of Josephine to help out with parking and traffic control at their fireworks event. We knew this was going to be crazy since we were low staffed and a lot of people was expected. But we rocked!

It was a long and hot day. I am not sure I have ever sweat so much during so long while volunteering. I drank copious amounts of water both before and during the event. Even in the picture I have my mug in my hand. It was always there full with water. The event started for us at 3pm so the heat was already there. I felt so nasty all night!

But we got through the event without major incidents. We had to be extremely flexible and also innovative while getting all the cars parked. I used fields that most likely wasn’t intended to be parked on but what should I do? I tried to make everyone happy and it seems like the visitors had a good time.

I was able to take a video of the grand finale of the fireworks. They did a great show.

There was no words for how exhausted I was when the entire ordeal was over. My lower back and hip wanted to divorce me. My legs was two bricks. I could barely keep speed limit on my way home because I was so tired. Robert and I of course took a “after day 1” picture… yeah, quite a difference from the “before the madness” picture!

Looked at my watch before I went to bed… I did take a 3.1 miles walk with the dogs in the morning but totally during the day I put 7.2 miles in the books during 17 (!!) hours! No wonder I was exhausted!

I was extremely stiff when I woke up this morning. Not surprised about that really. I am working the Freedom Fest in Terrell today and that event is even longer. We start at 10 am with the set up and won’t leave until 11pm approximately. But when I woke up this morning at 5:30 am (by my internal clock) Twix demanded a walk. And I understand him. He will be home alone and that walk means a lot for him and BamBam. And it is the only time of the day we can take a walk, otherwise it is too hot! I figured that maybe a shorter walk could soften my muscles up a little. My legs were like two bricks but we made it around at least. It felt good to have accomplished it since I have two new goals in July: do one workout a day and move at least 3 miles each day.

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