Swexan Podcast 1 year!

Where is time flying? I have a major problem with how fast 2022 is going. It is July 1st today. JULY FIRST TWENTY TWENTYTWO!!!! That gives me anxiety.

It is a year ago I made reality of the weird idea that had been in my mind for a while; to create a podcast about being Swedish here in Texas. I had done some research and said to myself “go for it, at least make a try”. And here we are, one year later and on the 52nd episode! I did believe that I was going to make a year out of it but it still has gone so fast! As I was looking back at the covers for the first year some memories came up that I didn’t remembered just on the top of my head.
I’ve had 7 guests in 8 episodes (Nomi Gerber was on twice) and I’ve been able to hear fun stories and had so much joy! And more to come!

I will do another push here in July to get new guests on. It worked pretty good to put a note out on social media back in January so I will absolutely try again. Now people have some references too to watch on YouTube which probably helps too. They can see the relaxed style I try to keep and just having fun with it.
And then you never know what will happen in the world. Never did I expect to make an episode about a lost coworker. That was not on the list of topics when I started this. Nor about a school shooting in Uvalde, TX. But I do have a lot on the list of what I want to do this upcoming year. And I am excited to do it!

Would you like to be our guest on the show? Email us at podcast@swexan.net or a PM to any of our social media channels! We would love to have you!!!

WEBSITE: www.swexan.net
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/swexanpodcast
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/swexanpodcast
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7dHjfTe-3OS0f6VX_lICA

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