That’s What Friends Are For

There is no secret that I know how life as a patient in the hospital is. That’s why I always try to visit friends if / when I find out that they are admitted. It doesn’t matter where they are, I will make my best to at least come and visit once if they want visitors.

The other day a friend of mine had a major medical emergency and was taken to Baylor in Dallas. He will most likely spend quite some time both in the hospital and then in rehab. He has a long way ahead of him and I am determined to be by his side every step of the way. As I would with anyone else!
When I found out about what happened I had a couple of days on the ambulance scheduled that I couldn’t get out of so it wasn’t until yesterday afternoon I was able to make my way to the hospital to see him.

I offered the family to take the night shift so they could go home and get some rest in their own bed. They needed to get a break, go home and recharge for a little bit. This is my weekend off so I know that I will spend some time here anyway. My dogs thinks I have abandoned them but I have a wonderful neighbor who will go over and let them out this morning for me.

The night went well. I actually got some sleep as well. In between the nurses hourly check in. I must praise these nurses! They are amazing. Not only do they deal with the patients, they deal with all other staff here, all with their opinions AND they deal with the families and friends of the patient. Often they are more the challenge than anything else. They are so kind to everyone, they are helping each other. With my friend they have to turn him on his side every other hour and to see how they help each other is just awesome. Teamwork makes dreamwork! They certainly doesn’t get enough credit for their compassion for their work. Being a nurse today is not ”just a job”, it is a risky job, a hard job and a calling. So to all nurses who reads this: Thank you for what you do! You are amazing!

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