How Did This Happen?

I certainly got a surprise in the mailbox this morning when i saw this little bib!
May has not been a good month for me when it comes to workout. I have been working a lot and when i’ve been off my body has been so tired or it’s been very hot outside so I have really lacked on my walking. I also need to buy new shoes since mine are really worn out. So I have not even opened the Run The Year website for the entire month of May.

This though, gives me a lot of inspiration to put some effort into my workout in June. I say that in the same time i just ended my membership at the gym because i never use it. But I know that I can do it, if i put the effort into it. I know it will be hard to get out and do the workout when I get home from a 12+ hour workday. But when the reward comes it will be all worth it! I have another 1000 miles to accomplish this year and I need to put effort into it if I’m going to make it. So here we go… June will be amazing!

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