Question… am I the only one who has to mow my yard at least twice a week, not really because it is growing like weed but because the city will otherwise send you a nasty note in the mail threatening about fines if you don’t do it within 5 days?
I live on a corner lot, yes. But ever since I moved here 3.5 years ago I have kept the yard very good looking in my opinion. Except for a couple of weeks ago when the wheel broke on my mower and I had to wait for another one to arrive in the mail. Even then, despite not mowing for a week and my neighbors yards were taller, I got a note in the mail that it was too tall. I don’t talk to my neighbors that much so I don’t know if they get a note as well but I don’t think so since they don’t mow it as frequent as I do. I start to feel like the city is harassing me just because I live on a corner.
Last time I mowed was Tuesday May 17th, 5 days ago. It has not rained since then and the grass has not grown too much. But I know, if I don’t mow today or tomorrow there will be a note in the mailbox on Wednesday at the latest. I have a feeling like they are either living in the neighborhood and pass by here on their days off or they are just roaming the area for their pleasures on any given day just to nail people.
So, since i know this I had no other choice than pull out the mower when i got home from work tonight. I have spent 12 hours on the ambulance, two hours commuting and it is 90 degrees outside, 5pm, the warmest time of the day when I get the mower out and start mowing. It was day 3 of 4 working so I simply can’t wait until Tuesday.
You can barely see the difference where i have mowed… but according to the city, this grass is too tall!
I got it done. But I was very dizzy when I was done, and almost collapsed on the floor. Thankfully I made it to the couch where I had to sit for 20 minutes before I could move again. It is both risky and stressful to live in a city that is this… I don’t even know what to call it… crazy (?) about the length of the grass just because you live on a corner lot in a neighborhood. And across one street and further up another street the grass is waist high for months… yet, it is me they are sending notes and threats to. I just don’t think it is fair…
Could I try to do something about it… call them or go to city council meeting. Sure. But what would happen? Probably two outcomes. 1. Nothing. 2. More notes. So I don’t think it is worth the time fighting. And there is no way I can afford paying someone to do it so I have to ust mow my freaking yard to make everyone happy and see it as exercise!
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