What Makes Me Happy

A couple of days ago I started to think about what I want to do that makes ME happy and doesn’t require anyone else. Something that I like to do, that I would like to try or pick up an old hobby. And it actually didn’t take long time to figure out what I wanted to do. Something I have done previously and actually really missed… photography. I really love to take pictures of animals, landscape or actually just anything. Not saying I’m exceptionally good at it but now and then I get a really good picture. And this is something I can do without anyone’s help or without any cost. I have an old Nikon D7000 that I during the last couple of days have dusted off and charged the battery on. I haven’t found the photo bag with the extra lens but I haven’t looked either. So until I find it I will have the 18-105mm lens. That will work. At least until I have saved up for a new camera…

When the new SD card came yesterday that I ordered on Amazon, Twix and BamBam had no other choice than being photo models for a couple of minutes. I just wanted to see if I remembered anything and if the camera even worked!

Well, one thing I’ve learned with photo is that they take up quite some room on servers and computers. So to not slam my blog too hard I decided to start putting these pictures on an external website. That has both positive and negative consequences… I won’t be able to put up all pictures here in the blog (until I have figured out how) but I will have the good pictures well organized. So I made a Zenfolio account where I will post all these pictures of a little bit better quality. No, I am not becoming any sort of wannabe professional, you won’t be able to hire me or buy my pictures… I am doing this entirely for myself and my happiness and if people like the pictures, the more fun! So if you click on the logo below you will come to the website and be able to see the first album of Twix and BamBam I have there!

I hope that I soon can figure out how to embed the albums here to the blog… one day folks, one day! Hope you like the pictures anyway and for the future, you can find the link to the portfolio on the top of the page 🙂

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