Blog 2 Year Anniversary

I have been blogging for many years. Almost 15 I believe. Several times re-done the blog. Pulled down the old and restarted for so many reasons. And two years ago today was the last time I decided to restart the blog. Mom had passed away previous night and that was how I started the new blog, with announcing her passing. It was not a sudden passing in any way. We had been waiting for weeks for that day to come. It was awkward and strange. I was sad and in the same time I wanted to write down my journey of grief. I knew the first year would have so many challenges and emotions. I knew that my life would never be the same again. Maybe my words written down, my experiences could help someone else. It is also a good tool for myself to go back and see what has happened, my achievements and my fails. To be able to go back and remember, smile and cry. Learn what to do next time and what not to do.

I am active on social media but to write it down in a blog is yet different. Not a lot of people write a blog anymore. For me it’s a form of therapy. I write a diary as well. Since I don’t have anyone to talk to and I have the need to get it out of me, writing is just a good way. And I am absolutely not telling everything to y’all on this blog… so that’s when my diary comes in handy. Also very good when people starts to argue what was said or done a long time ago. My memory is miserable! A blog is also fun for those who wants to keep up with my shenanigans but don’t have time to be on Facebook every day. They can read this whenever they have time, if they are interested enough. There is so much you miss on Facebook anyway unless you sit there all the time. I myself has started phasing out Facebook more and more since it is becoming quite negative and is not doing me any good.

So here we are… two years in the making. And it will keep going for at least another year. I don’t have any reason to stop blogging. And hopefully you will continue join me on this journey as a single, mid-aged, crazy woman and her adventures!

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