In Memory Of Mom

Tomorrow is the day my life changed forever. The day my mom went to be free from her breathing problems. Free from financial troubles. Free from pain and only surrounded by love in heaven. I remember every minute of that day. The phone rang at 10:28pm. She passed away a couple of minutes prior. I knew when I left her earlier that day that it was close but I had planned to be with her the entire next day. I never got that opportunity.

The first year was rough. The second year has been easier but still very hard. I am very lonely. Being a single woman with no family means that not a lot of people have you in mind. You end up in the periphery and are most of the time forgotten. I have accepted that and this next year I will work on finding things to do by myself and with my dogs.

On my way home today I had an idea. Two weeks ago I put some seeds in a pot. Well that ended up to absolutely nothing. Don’t ask me why I didn’t think about this last year. Mom had green fingers. She could get anything to grow. I have black fingers. Yet, I’m willing to try. So today I went and bought a rose in honor of mom. Mom loved roses. As a matter of fact, we named our first foal Amber after a rose. And… Tyler, TX is Rose Capital, if you didn’t know. Then I planted that in the pot instead. This is a tradition I will do every year. Buy a pot and a rose and plant on or around May 14th in honor of mom. I am not putting it in the ground since I have a vision to one day move out in the country and I want to bring the rose with me. So this Climbing Piñata will be the Rose of 2022

I didn’t have another pot but next week or in the near future I will go and get another pot and another rose that will symbolize 2021. I think she would like that tradition.

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