Exalt 2022

Due to work I have not been able to attend any CERT events this year. But last night I was finally able to help out at the Exalt 2022 in Rockwall. We had not gotten any information about what kind of event it was, all we knew was that they needed first aid and traffic monitoring. It was a well attended event, of course the weather was beyond great! Thankfully we didn’t have any patients but there was a minor gas leak in a transformer of some sort but it didn’t affect anything or anyone as it was on the other side of the stadium and it was easily turned off.

After the concert Matt and I went to Ihop in Rockwall. The food and service was awesome but it was so cold in there my blood pressure plunged. I had a winter jacket on because I know it can be cold, but even Matt thought it was cold, as well as other guests so it was very bad. Even the food got cold at the end just from the A/C.

I wasn’t home until after midnight. Gaahhhlieee I am not used to be up that late. I was so exhausted. But it didn’t take long until I was asleep. Until 6am… seriously… why an Amber alert at 6 am on my day off? Of course my phone would not stop buzzing. I was pissed. I absolutely hope the child is found safe but it was a little annoying to be woken up that early.

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