And We’re Stuck

Sometimes we get calls to areas that is not really intended for ambulances. But we don’t have any choice than make an attempt. Make it or break it. Yesterday we got a call to an area where I had never been before but I quickly realized that my driving skills would be put to a test. The call was a priority call so there was no choice than try. Several times enroute to the patient both me and my partner thought that we would get stuck. That we made it to the patient was kind of amazing. Of course since I was driving I couldn’t take any pictures…
The patient thou decided to refuse transport to the hospital. Looking in the rear mirror that was probably good. Because we had to get out of there as well. We could take another way out, we didn’t have any choice more or less as we couldn’t back out and there was a possibility out. And that’s where we met the puddle… It was like I knew when I saw the huge puddle that this would not work. Due to the dark I couldn’t see the little path on the right side where I could have gone but I would probably have gone stuck anyway. And boom. Nope. There we sat. 5 am and stuck somewhere in Henderson County. Greatness. So we let dispatch know that we were out of service, called the mechanic who called a towing company… in Tyler… Don’t ask me why in the world he chose a company out of Tyler when we were in the west part of the county. But okay, not our choice, we won’t go home until 4pm anyway. So there we were for 2 hours until he came. A huge shoutout to Campbell’s Towing in Tyler. It turned out that the driver came all the way from Kilgore! I don’t know how fast he drove but there is no way he did one mile within legal limits with how fast he came. And for him it was an easy thing to pull out an ambulance. It took him 5 minutes… and then the drive back to Tyler/Kilgore. I felt so bad for him and was so grateful. Don’t want to think about that mileage bill…

When the dawn came I realized that we had some spectators in forms of goats! They were so cute but smelled quite a lot. But I couldn’t resist petting them anyway and take some pictures, right! My partner was sleeping so whatever. I had some water in the truck so I could wash my hands afterwards anyway…

So around 7:15 we finally could check back into service. The truck was unharmed thankfully and I now know that this is not an area where the ambulance should go, absolutely not if it rains.

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