Worn Down Boots

It’s no secret that I walk a lot. While we are posting at work I am often out moving around to soften up my body and to release some stiffness in my right hip. Yesterday was no different. I was randomly walking around a parking lot when I thought that it felt weird under my left foot. So I looked underneath and saw this:

How in the world have I not noticed this? Because this did not happen over the night!!! I was shocked to see how worn down they were. And it’s also interesting to see how much I compensate my hip injury on my left foot. It is a significant difference!
Well now I absolutely needed a new pair of boots and it was quite emergent since it is some rain in the forecast today. So after work I first stopped at Walmart in Athens but they didn’t have the model I wanted nor a good size. So I decided to fight the Canton First Monday crowd and stop there. One pair… One single pair in my size and thankfully it had zippers! WOHOOO!!

This is the fourth pair that I get since I started EMT School. So I use one pair a year approximately which is not bad considering that I walk in them almost every day for several hours. I tried to find on social media when I got my last pair but I think they last about 10 months… So hopefully these will work fine for another couple of months!

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