What An Honor

Back in February I started to look at my schedule and realized that I was scheduled to work on 4th Of July. At the time I didn’t have any inquiries to perform anywhere but regardless I went ahead and put in a PTO request for that day. Just in case. No big deal if I didn’t get it approved, and if I did and wasn’t going to perform, I could always give it back.

But last week, my friend Stacey texted me and asked if I was available and willing to perform the National Anthem at the Daughter Of The American Revolutions celebration in Terrell. Well, now I had a reason to push our scheduling department to get that PTO approved and yesterday the approval came! So I could answer Stacey with a confirmation.

It is always an honor to perform the Anthem, and to be asked every year to perform it is even a bigger honor! I am so excited to be back this year! It will be so much fun!

Photo: Kevin Prouty

I know there will be a great event and they have added more events that weekend so more information to come!

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