PHTLS Card Class

I am not an easy learner. I love to learn new things but to retain information from sitting in class and watching slides and at the end of the day have a test of it is absolutely not my way of learning. I have test anxiety more than anyone else I believe. It’s like my brain totally freezes when I get a test in front of me. A problem I’ve had since I started school. It can be a test about myself and I would have the same problem. Today was the day for PHTLS renewal. Prehospital Trauma Life Support. I really like traumas and should be pretty good at this. But this course is aimed for medics, not for EMTs so it is quite hard for me in some areas. The test is really tricky and even if it is an open book test; all answers are not in the book!

Thankfully our instructor was super nice and determined that we were going to pass this class, whatever it took. We had to pass with a 72%. I had to take the test twice. The first time I only got 60%. I got to look through the test after the first try and realized that three of my mistakes was simply because my brain froze. And that’s what happens. I don’t understand the questions because I’m stressing so much about it and therefore I answer wrong. Makes me feel so dumb. But I was given a new test and quickly realized that it was the same questions but in a different order and with the answers flipped around. So the second time I made a 90%. Much better.
So now this class is over and done with for another 3 years! So nice to have it done!

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