Dogs To Home Depot

First of all a big thank you to Home Depot who lets dogs into their stores! Not many stores allows dogs and especially not “special needs” dogs or big dogs and if you have both of that in one dog they are absolutely not welcome! So it means a lot to be able to take them into a store and let them be exposed to something absolutely different now and then.

I had to go to Home Depot to get a new wheel to the lawn mower and string to the trimmer. So why not bring the boys? I gave Twix his medication an hour before we left. The ride to Terrell is only 20 minutes but that is long 20 minutes for him. He did very well today actually!

BamBam never has a problem with car rides. His problem is more at the destination with all strangers. I did not expect it to be THAT many people at Home Depot on a Monday morning. The entire parkinglot was full! So to go in with two dogs, one anti-social and one over-social could be a challenge. But they both behaved very well!

Twix took the opportunity to talk to everyone who paid him any attention. He sniffed all the pallets and thought it was a great time! I think he thought it was worth the car ride even though, in his opinion, it was a too short visit.

BamBam did what he always does. Lay down behind me or next to me and try to hide. As soon as I stopped he laid down and waited. No one came up and talked to him, everyone respectfully asked and accepted the no. You would think that the patches on his vest would tell enough right?

But it was a short and good trip for them. We went straight home afterwards and both of them went straight to the water bowl, happy to be home. I think they actually liked to do something different for once. I can just hope that these short trips helps Twix so I don’t have to medicate him one day…

Now remains the challenge to get the wheel on the lawnmower and the string on the trimmer. My landlords maintenance man is coming to help me with the lawnmower a little later. I have already spent 1.5 hour with the trimmer and totally given up on it… I am so dumb when it comes to being handy.

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