3 Years With UT Health EMS

I can not believe that today, three years ago was my first day in orientation with UT Health EMS!

It’s really been three fun and amazing years. I have met so many amazing and fun people. I have learned so much about things I never thought I would. I have done things and seen things beyond all imaginations. I can just say Covid and we all just know. The chapter about PPE in school was maybe 3 pages and said “wear gloves”. It absolutely didn’t cover what to do if you have to work in a global pandemic for two years!!! It has been a little surreal but a journey I would not be without!

Snow… who would have guessed that I would work in a Texas snowmageddon for a week? Never would I think that I would have use for all my years driving in Swedish conditions while at work in warm Texas. But that was absolutely a week I will never forget! Interesting but challenging!

I love my job and everyone I work with and I have no plans of leaving UT or EMS for that matter so don’t worry. I look forward to many more years on the boo boo bus. More people to meet, more lessons to learn, more patients to help and many more miles to drive and probably a couple of more stories to tell.

To work EMS you don’t just “have a job”. It is a lifestyle. I am a morning person and that is one of the reasons that I can work the weird hours I work, 4a-4p. The best feeling is to go home before everyone else. This time of the year be able to work out when I get home, or do whatever I need to do while it is still daylight. But for me it is also an honor to put on that uniform every day. I feel like I fill a purpose with my life. I didn’t survive two cardiac arrests for nothing. I am able to help and give back in the way I have been helped so many times. And for me that is a true honor.

Here are some random pictures from these three years… things that i’ve seen and done, people I’ve worked with and met.

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