Nice Feeling

Is it just me that always gets a really nice feeling once the yard has been mowed? We had a couple of days with rain earlier this week and I could see the grass grow slowly so my goal for today was to do the front and side yard. It is actually not that much to do to be honest. In total it maybe takes 40 minutes with my pushmower. The best investment I could do was to buy that! Except that when it is this tall and thick I have to do it in two takes because the battery won’t last. To the right is before, to the left is after…

I am doing the backyard tomorrow. That will be a little harder since I have to clean up before I mow… it’s the dogs backyard if I say it that way and I think you can figure out the rest. But at least the house has a good look to the public now and I have a very happy feeling about it!

As a huge contrast… I got some pictures from Sweden today… this is just one of them… I am so glad I am in Texas… they have snow! A lot of it in some areas…

But the snow makes it beautiful but not in April… this is to me Christmas weather…

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