So Disappointed

I wanted to start April hard. I wanted to get the feeling that I had control of my body But that did not happen!

I came home from work. Not a bad day at all, quite easy actually. I had in mind to pull off a 5 miles walk without the dogs. I felt strong. Didn’t hesitate at all about not doing it. Until I started walking. Right from the get go the muscles in my right leg screamed. What in the world? Muscles that I usually don’t have pain in. Thought it was just because it was uphill. Kept moving. But after a mile I got some chestpain and headache. That is not normal nor is it good. I had to fight for every single step. At the time I wasn’t at a good location to just turn home so I decided to take the shortest way home possible. I tried to fight and keep on going the same pace as I started. I thought that I would join the residents at the cemetery for a while. But I made it home thankfully.

This was absolutely not what I had in mind. I thought my body could handle more than this without screaming bloody murder. I know that 3.1 miles is not bad and when I put it in my own database I realize that I had walked at a really great pace. So that made me feel a little better. But why the pain. Oh well.

Even though this was not what I wanted, now I know where I am. I know where I am heading and it will be a long road to get where I want to be. But with determination and hard work, I will be able to get where I want to be, in the same shape as I was three years ago when I could walk 5 miles without any major problems. I will get there!

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