March Goal Achieved!

TADAAAAA! I knew I was going to reach my goal for March. Another 100 miles in the books. But yet, it felt really good once I got the bib in the mailbox. That proof that I actually did it. I was a couple of days late with February’s miles since there was a couple of cold days and even days with snow that made it impossible for me to do any workout. I had some speedbumps in March but they were not as high so I couldn’t overcome them.

Now it is full force into April. Another 100 miles, preferably more. I also aim to close my rings on the Apple Iwatch every day. Not sure that I will be able to do that but I aim for it. I will have to move while we are posting at work to ensure that I get it all in, just in case I can’t walk after work. I want to build up a little “mileage bank” in case something happens or the weather is too bad to walk… hopefully I can do that in April!

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