“Once upon a time this woman was happy and healthy. Once upon a time she could light up a room making entrance. People enjoyed her company. Life was great!
Now…people avoid her. Ignores her entirely or walk away mid conversation. Not because of what she said, did or who she is. Not because of her political or religious views. Because of a medical condition she can’t control. Now she is unpredictable and a problem. Now she is a nuisance.
She accepts the label she was given and goes back to her cove. She fakes a smile and says “it’s okay”. Until she close the door behind her. This was not how she wanted her life to be. Unwanted & alone. Waiting and wondering when this will end for good. Tomorrow is another day. Her grandmother’s words will echo in her head as she puts on a new makeup, a new fake smile: “The show must go on baby, so suck it up buttercup”. It will be fine. It will be okay… but what is okay?”
This was a post that I made on my private facebook Saturday night. An incident had occurred that made me feel worse than worthless and more of a problem than I’ve had in a long time. I am not going into detail on what happened because it won’t do any good. When I posted this I was so hurt from what was said and done to me. Not by one person, but by several. It was a scream of frustration and pain. You know those situations when it comes from different multiple angles and from several people and you are just too tired to take it and deal with it. You feel like you are laying on the ground and the kicks are just coming one after another and it won’t stop.
I went to bed right after I posted this. Didn’t want to deal with anyone, didn’t want to talk to anyone. Turned off all electronic devices in the house. You had to physically knock on my door very hard to get my attention. Slept through the night and when I woke up was reached by more support than I’ve ever could imagine. Text messages and comments on the post in overflow! Wow! I felt a love that I absolutely did not expect. Thank you!!! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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