Down Memory Lane Cleaning The Garage

It is 2 years since mom passed away on May 14. I thought I would be able to clean out both the garage and the storage room much earlier but I’ve had reasons and excuses every time for not doing it. I have done a little but it was so emotionally hard for me so I stopped. But today was the day! at least to do something. The weather was perfect and I felt both physically and mentally strong. The thing with my mom was that she was a squirrel. She saved everything! And there was no one that could hide stuff like my mom so I have to go through every box and make sure I don’t throw something important away. I did find some super important papers (my birth certificate, her wedding papers etc etc) in the middle of clothes. I had no clue there was more paperwork there, I thought I had everything. And what I found was not copies, it was originals! And I found some old photos that brought back some fun memories…

1992. This is mom’s best friend Gyde (right) and mom (left). Sweden met Denmark in soccer world championship… can you guess who was rooting for who? This picture brings back so many wonderful memories from that vacation in Tällberg.

This is my grandpa Östen. I don’t know where or when it is taken but he sure was feeling awesome at this time! I miss that man so much. He was the only fathers figure I had in my life and that man spoiled me rotten!!! Absolutely rotten!

This must have been year 2000 and/or 2001. Me with my horse Smirnov. This horse and I had some amazing fun years together. You could do anything with him but he HATED cameras. Look at the picture to the right and you see it in his eyes.

This was probably one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever own. Hoppsan (aka Ooopsi in English). This dog could track a human faster than anyone. She loved looking for people and she was so darn good at it, even after 4 years without a harness even close to her. She was also in a good mood and made everyone else in that spirit.

I also found this wooden mask that I wondered where it had ended up.

Mom bought it in Asia and shipped it home to Sweden. The thing with this mask is that it changes facial expression. Not much. But more than 3 people have noticed that it did not have the same pleased expression when we had her at our last farm in Sweden as she did before we moved there. And people that visited us when we moved here noticed as well that the expression had changed to a more pleasant smile. It is something special with this mask. It is absolutely one of my favorite pieces that mom had. So glad I found it, just have to find a good place for it here in this house.

6 hours of going through boxes I felt done for the day. I had made it 1/3rd through the garage. The house was a mess, and still is. I don’t have anywhere to put things. I have found chrystal glasses, mugs, sewing fabric and patterns, jewelry, clothes etc etc. A lot has left the house…

…but there is a lot left to do. And when I am done with the garage, I will still have a storage unit left to deal with… That is my ultimate goal to downsize. But unless I do the garage first so I have somewhere to put storage stuff I won’t be able to deal with that… Well, the project has started at least and will continue another sunny day!

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